Out of love Out of heaven I count my sins, crimes an’ mistakes Well, it could have been a happy-end story Could have been a happy-end story My old wound Still bleeds and aches I missed my cue I’m at the mercy of you
Save my day and night Save my hopeful light Save my loving smile At least for a while Stay, forgive my crime Save me one more time Save me just for a while
Being drowned In raging water Pull me out Throw me the rope ‘Cause it’s gotta be a happy-end story Gotta be a happy-end story Being drowned I hope against hope There’s so much blue Now I’m appealing to you
Save my day and night Save my hopeful light Save my loving smile At least for a while Stay my fall and death Stay my mortal breath Stay, forgive my crime Just one more time
Save My hopeful light Save My day and night
Save my day and night Save my hopeful light Save my loving smile At least for a while Stay my fall and death Stay my mortal breath Stay, forgive my crime Just one more time Save my day and night Save my hopeful light Save my loving smile At least for a while Stay, forgive my crime Save me one more time Save me just for a while